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BryantUniversity’s sustainability program aligns with its Vision 2030 Strategic Plan, focusing on achieving net-zero emissions by 2050.

Bryanthas received a from the Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education (AASHE) in recognition of its sustainability achievements. also selected Bryantas one of the country’s top environmentally responsible colleges.

Plans, Goals, and Resources for Sustainability

To build a more sustainable future for 91AV, our initiatives focus on three areas: planning and policy, education and research, and operations. The sections below explain each.

Suggestions are welcome. Please email them to sustainability@bryant.edu.


Campus-wide initiatives focus overall on planning and policy, education and action, and operations. Planning and policy streamline strategies in leadership and decision-making. Operations include the built environment and systemizing the efficient use of resources. Education and research build understanding, deepen knowledge, and inspire careers.

These three areas encompass 10 domains: academics and research, energy, buildings and land use, health and wellness, food and dining, supply chain management, transportation, waste reduction and recycling, water, and community engagement.

The Sustainability Committee stewards the plan, guides the process and campus engagement, and holds the Bryantcommunity accountable.

Campus Initiatives

Sustainability in the Community